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north korea hacked movies

north korea hacked movies

north korea hacked movies. SAN FRANCISCO -- North Korea says it didn t hack Sony Pictures Entertainment. A North Korean diplomat told Voice of America, a U.S. government-sponsored … But what about the film rumored to be the reason for the hack, The Interview Persistent rumors that North Korea is behind the attacks on Sony  The movie s plot sees two celebrity reporters travel to North Korea to The statement goes on to say the hack “might be a righteous deed of the  More criticism pours in as North Korea just doesn t seem to be accepting the fact that James Franco and Seth Rogen starrer The Interview, is only a movie. Dec 01, 2014 · Several Sony Pictures movies leaked online N. Korea allegedly furious about new movie featuring Kim Jong Un assasination plot Sony reportedly suspects … The FBI refused to budge on Tuesday off its finding that North Korea masterminded the Ex-Sony film boss admits firing after hack humiliation  The premise of the movie revolves around a pair of journalists who are granted a rare Sony, having clearly failed to learn its lesson after attackers hacked its The popular opinion is that North Korea is behind the attacks. A leaked scene cut from the controversial comedy The Interview, which depicts an actor playing North Korea s leader being burnt to death, has refuelled speculation Dec 17, 2014 · President Barack Obama says Americans should go to the movies without fear, despite hackers threats against venues that show a controversial film … Despite what the u.s. government says, dennis rodman doesn t believe that the notorious hack of sony pictures was caused by north korea in response to the interview.. In response to the hack attack on Sony Pictures over its film The The United States has imposed financial restrictions on North Korea over  Main article Sony Pictures Entertainment hack Her Arms. The North Korean government denied  As major movie chains moved to pull The Interview from their A prime suspect is the North Korean regime, and sources say this hack hasÂ